St. André Bessette Roman Catholic Parish
Malone, New York
Established July 1, 2014
If you have a complaint of suspected misconduct involving diocesan clergy, religious, employees or volunteers, contact Victims Assistance Coordinator, Terrianne Yanulavich, Ph.D., LMHC, 5050 Route 374, Merrill, NY 12955; [email protected]; Phone: 518-651-2267 days; 518-569-0612 evenings; or Father Christopher Carrara, the Episcopal Vicar for Clergy; [email protected]; Phone: 315-393-2920 ext. 1340. If you have a complaint of suspected sexual abuse or related misconduct by the bishops, contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at 800-276-1562 or
As part of the efforts of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg to protect children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries, it is important that your report identify:
— the child or children in danger,
— the name of the suspected abuser,
— as well as your name, address and phone number.
Making a report to the Diocese of Ogdensburg, in no way, means that you should not make a report to police or child protective agencies.
To read the diocesan Child and Youth Protection Policy, visit the Safe Environment webpage: